Overseas Passenger Terminal

Archaeology In preparation for a proposed upgrade to the Overseas Passenger Terminal Wharf at Circular Quay, Cosmos Archaeology undertook an extensive maritime archaeological survey of the area and prepared a statement of heritage impact. The survey found structural remains associated with the former 1901-1980 wharf, as well as potential archaeological […]

East Point Outfall

Archaeology When Power and Water Corporation proposed an upgrade to the sewage outfall at East Point, Darwin, Cosmos Archaeology was the heritage consultancy firm of choice to provide a range of assessment services. These included desktop studies, remote sensing surveys and dive inspections to provide a thorough Heritage Impact Assessment […]

Iron Ore Wharf Darwin

Archaeology When demolition works began on the Iron Ore Wharf at Port Darwin, Steelcon Construction contracted Cosmos Archaeology to undertake an underwater archaeological survey prior to the removal of the wharf piles.  The survey was conducted by a combined team of maritime archaeologists and commercial divers, uncovering ballast mounds and […]

Sydney Harbour Bridge Toll Booths

Archaeology When the Sydney Harbour Bridge transferred to a cashless tolling system, the original toll booths dating back to the 1950s required professional recording before they could be removed, to preserve this important part of the bridge’s history. Cosmos Archaeology was able to provide a range of archival recording solutions […]

Spit Bridge Widening Project

Archaeology In 2006, the NSW Government proposed to build a similar bascule bridge adjacent to the existing Spit Bridge. As part of the planning process, Cosmos Archaeology assessed the impacts of the proposed development to the identified underwater and terrestrial cultural remains. A management plan for the proposed works was […]

Aboriginal Quarry Site, Port Cygnet

Archaeology Significant Indigenous archaeological sites exist around Cygnet in the Huon Valley of southern Tasmania. When the South East Tasmania Aboriginal Corporation (SETAC) received funding to examine options for the protection and management of these sites, Cosmos Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological investigation of an Indigenous stone quarry […]

Port Phillip Channel Deepening Project

Archaeology During the expansion of the Melbourne Port, Cosmos Archaeology provided a range of services including heritage inductions for project contractors, archaeological monitoring of berth works and wreck inspections. We also provided a review of multi-beam sonar records and anomaly inspections before dredging works commenced. During the extensive project, the […]

The Regia Conservation Plan

Archaeology When the Glenelg Council proposed the development of a living shipwreck exhibition featuring the Regia wreck, Cosmos Archaeology was tasked with preparing a Conservation Plan to ensure the long-term preservation of the site. The Regia was a three masted wooden barque built in Cochin, India in 1835. It was […]