Our Team

Our Team

Cosmos Coroneos

Cosmos Coroneos has lent his expertise to academic and government projects in Australia, New Guinea, Saipan, Italy and Greece, fulfilling various roles ranging from volunteer specialist to field director. He has been employed as a historical archaeologist and maritime archeologist within the state and territory governments of Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory. He founded Cosmos Archaeology Pty Ltd in 1997.

Cosmos holds an Honours degree in Archaeology from the University of Sydney and a Post Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology from Curtin University. He is a former President of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA). AIMA is the peak, non-government advisory body to the Commonwealth regarding maritime heritage issues.

Cosmos has been a diver since 1990 and holds ADAS Restricted Occupational SCUBA diver to 30m (Part Two).

Caroline Wilby
Senior Archaeologist

Caroline Wilby has a wide range of experience in Aboriginal and historical cultural heritage investigation and management, and has worked on various maritime projects as a non-diving archaeologist and as acting Underwater Cultural Heritage Practitioner for the NT.  Her skills include archaeological survey, excavation, recording, and reporting, stakeholder consultation and liaison, archival research and predictive modelling, preparation of archaeological and cultural heritage assessments, heritage impact mitigation and management plans, heritage legislation interpretation and compliance advice, and post-excavation analysis and specialist reporting (including faunal, lithics, military, and aircraft wrecks).  

Caroline’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts (Classical Archaeology, History, and Criminology) from the University of Melbourne, and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Australian Archaeology from La Trobe University.

Jane Mitchell
Senior Maritime Archaeologist

Jane Mitchell is a Senior Maritime Archaeologist with Cosmos Archaeology and holds a Graduate Diploma of Maritime Archaeology from Flinders University. She also has a Diploma of Arts in Professional Writing and Editing from RMIT University.

Jane has had extensive field experience across New South Wales and Victoria, Norfolk Island and the Northern territory, working on an array of maritime archaeology projects. Her role has included managing the preparation of heritage assessments and statements of heritage impacts as well as significance assessments, risk management plans, OH&S plans, archival photographic recordings and maritime archaeological management plans. She has directed and conducted non-impact archaeological dive surveys and been involved in underwater maritime archaeological excavations.

Jane is a skilled diver with numerous accreditations including ADAS Occupational SCUBA diver to 30m (Part Two) and ADAS Onshore Supervisor (Part One).

Milly Bendell

Milly Bendell is an Archaeologist with Cosmos Archaeology who has worked on significant terrestrial and underwater projects across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Norfolk Island and within Asia. She holds a Bachelor of Business from James Cook University, a Graduate Certificate in Archaeology and Maritime Archaeology, and a Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology from Flinders University.

Throughout her role, Milly has undertaken field work in a variety of maritime and historical archaeology settings. Her expertise includes site survey and planning, and archival recording of archaeological sites and artefacts. She is also highly proficient in archival research and report writing.

Connor McBrian
Assistant Maritime Archaeologist

Connor McBrian is an Assistant Archaeologist with Cosmos Archaeology and holds a Bachelor of History from Iowa State University.

During his employment as both a historical and maritime archaeologist, Connor has worked for State and Federal agencies in the USA, as well as in Bermuda, Barbados and Vietnam. In addition to his international experience, Connor has also worked across various state jurisdictions within Australia.

Connor has conducted archaeological excavations in both terrestrial and underwater settings and is adept at historical and archival research as well as report writing. He has further practice and training in artefact recording, artefact conservation, site survey/planning, database management, and GIS software. Connor has assisted in the preparation of archival photographic recordings and maritime archaeological management plans.

Connor holds an ADAS Occupational SSBA diver to 30m (Part Two), as well as an AAUS Scientific Diver certification, Advanced Open Water (PADI) and Rescue Diver (SDI).

Tara Chilcott
Assistant Archaeologist

Tara Chilcott is an archaeologist who holds a Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management from Flinders University and will soon complete a Master of Maritime Archaeology (2025). Tara has spent the past five years working as a cultural heritage consultant across projects in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Tara specialises in historical archaeology and maritime archaeology, ensuring considered outcomes for maritime, terrestrial and coastal infrastructure projects. Her breadth of experience includes maritime and terrestrial Statement of Heritage Impacts (SoHI/MASoHI), Aboriginal Due Diligence Assessments (DD), Historical Archaeological Assessments (HAA), Management Plans and Heritage Studies. In particular, Tara has provided heritage solutions for works including shipwreck recording and management, bridge replacements and restorations, wharf and jetty works as well as sand renourishment programs.

Skilled in various aspects of historical archival research and report writing, Tara has a proven track record of delivering accurate and engaging written material across a range of projects. She has a background in journalism and understands the importance of succinct, effective report writing for successful project outcomes. Tara is currently completing her masters thesis, which investigates a nineteenth-century Indian-built shipwreck in the Coral Sea.

Candice Casagrande
Business Manager and Assistant to the Director

Candice Casagrande is an accomplished business management professional and entrepreneur with over 20 years’ experience. Candice brings refined financial acumen from experience working in public practice accounting and small business consulting. As a previous business owner, she provides exceptional communication and insight across all areas of business operations including budgeting, human resources and information systems management to support the Cosmos Archaeology team in the office and out in the field. 

Candice has worked across multiple industries including marketing, finance, health, arts and hospitality, enabling her to provide a highly adaptable and informed level of service across all areas of the business.

Cosmos Archaeology

Experts in Land and Maritime Archaeology