Marinus Link Project

Tetra Tech Coffey

Bass Strait
2023 - 2024

Cosmos Archaeology provided maritime cultural heritage and archaeology assessment services and strategic advice for a significant renewable energy project spanning Bass Strait. CA was commissioned by Tetra Tech Coffey to undertake an underwater cultural heritage and archaeology impact assessment for the Marinus Link Project, to satisfy Commonwealth and Victorian environmental assessment requirements.

The proposed project will see a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) electricity interconnector constructed between Tasmania and Victoria to improve the connection between Tasmania and the national grid and will enable the flow of more electricity in both directions. Marinus Link’s fibre optic cables will also increase the internet capacity between Tasmania and Victoria by 150 times. The proposal involves the installation of cables crossing Bass Strait, buried into the seabed, from Heybridge, Tasmania to Waratah Bay, about 3 km west of Sandy Point, Victoria. 

CA’s skilled team of cultural heritage professionals delivered a thorough assessment of the complex study area, through an extensive program of desktop research, geophysical dataset assessment and multiple diving inspections. The assessment not only addressed maritime heritage, but also provided clear guidance for the management of intangible underwater cultural heritage, including Aboriginal cultural values. The project exemplified CA’s position as an industry leader in cultural heritage services for seabed development and renewable energy projects.

CA’s impact assessment can be viewed here.